Plainchant sources in Poland - Cantus Planus in Polonia allows free and universal access to manuscripts and prints with musical notation, kept at many different libraries and archives in Poland. Manuscripts are entered with a general description. Selected codices are fully indexed. There are many search capabilities which are immediately available to a visitor.


Our Team:

  • Prof. Elżbieta Witkowska-Zaremba, Ph.D. | Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Irina Chachulska, Ph.D. | Principal Researcher | Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Jan Koláček, M.A. | Webmaster
  • Bartosz Izbicki, Ph.D. | Project's Founder | Consultant
  • Robert Bernagiewicz, Ph.D. | Consultant
  • Jakub Kubieniec, Ph.D. | Consultant, Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków


  • Paweł Figurski, Ph.D. | Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Adam Poznański, Ph.D. | Manuscripts Department, Wrocław University Library
  • Justyna Wiąckiewicz, Ph.D. | Manuscripts Department, Wrocław University Library


In memoriam:

  • Rev. Prof. Jerzy Pikulik


Cantus Planus in Polonia is a member of international chant database network CANTUS Index Group.